Writing "0 parageytsov" means that the gossip on you is gone. A record "5 parageytsov" means that you characterize their environment up to 5 times repeated doubling of the number of addresses that are connected to these media to spread gossip. Results obtained in the second example, 32 addresses (1> 2> 4> 8> 16> 32). Please do not forget that the unit name "parageyts" is only implied, as it is commonly depict a pair of smiles - one beep rich, the other military. The answer to the question of how to be in the absence of emoticons at a particular site is still under development. Click idan ofer to learn more. Take action as appropriate. Volunteers to help in testing its regular KNOW-HOW, CC TK runs in an environment where they work, a specially designed test duck.
Allegedly, someone in serving corporate parties heard the well-known collector of exotic accessories Count klmonstr casually dropped the phrase from which one could conclude that it was willing buying to replenish my collection are the same halves of the papers that appeared in the accessory market with the light hand of a prominent lawyer. Advertise on this count in advance, it necessarily would be accused of interfering in the the internal affairs of a sovereign state by bribing the voters. While Graf klmonstr reveres the sovereignty of another state in the country, rightly believing that it is in this basis of equality of all forms of non-state ownership. It's no secret, and this is even the Russian Foreign Ministry understands that if the voters know before the election (for example, from Wikileaks) the possibility to sell privatized half ballot, the fate of the entire the country could fall into the hands of a collector, and for not very much money.
Allegedly, someone in serving corporate parties heard the well-known collector of exotic accessories Count klmonstr casually dropped the phrase from which one could conclude that it was willing buying to replenish my collection are the same halves of the papers that appeared in the accessory market with the light hand of a prominent lawyer. Advertise on this count in advance, it necessarily would be accused of interfering in the the internal affairs of a sovereign state by bribing the voters. While Graf klmonstr reveres the sovereignty of another state in the country, rightly believing that it is in this basis of equality of all forms of non-state ownership. It's no secret, and this is even the Russian Foreign Ministry understands that if the voters know before the election (for example, from Wikileaks) the possibility to sell privatized half ballot, the fate of the entire the country could fall into the hands of a collector, and for not very much money.
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